Detail in the Fabric

my likes, loves and slight obessions

Wise Words

27421e9701601ccae07f1a38d6c628bbAnd I have to say the more is beautiful.


Fort Adams:Newport

IMG_2783Sometimes I forget that I live in one of the most beautiful places in the East Coast the world. A spontaneous trip down Ocean Drive to Fort Adams via the Jack Wills Land Rover left me with a beyond gorgeous sunset that I am glad I did not miss. I do have to say I love little Rhody.

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Wise Words


When you are feeling down, find the friends and family that will lift you up.

summer getaway


It is weird to acknowledge I have finished yet another year of college. Even weirder to say I am officially a senior and will be graduating in a years time.

This is the last summer of care-free days filled with lounging on the beach, reading endless books and barbecues. As sad as it is knowing my summers of lazy lounging will soon come to an end, I am ready to jump  full swing into this summer. I have already began to fill up my schedule with many activities, adventures and excursions that will leave this summer a memorable one.Such as a trip to Paris (!!!) with two of my best friends, a 21st birthday celebration and a reunion with some Roma friends.

A few friends and I decided to kick-start summer with a trip to York Beach, ME. Which included homemade parfaits, a trip to the Nubble lighthouse, drinks and cheese boards, saving a baby duck from the side of the road, sipping wine  by the ocean and a creation of a new cocktail. Needless to say this little girls getaway has made me more than ready for my sun kissed skin and happy-go-lucky days to begin.

Summer here we come!

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Jack Wills Sample Sale


Jack Wills is having a sample sale?! This weekend only Jack Wills Newport will be hosting a sample sale! So, come on down and shop with JW team with everything in store 50% off!  We even have a street team running around downtown to hand out some Newport Party Pants!

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Wise Words

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl

April Showers, Bring May Flowers

While here in the littlest state April sometimes feels like December, with chilling goose bumps and a need for wool socks, however, the past few days I have been happily frolicking downtown with just a light jacket in hand and a flip flops gracing my feet. The warming weather and shining sun has gotten me more excited for summer than ever! The past few days have been spent doing summer activities that will soon become routine with the increasing temperatures.

IMG_2666Found an anchor on an evening stroll on the Cliff Walk


Although my top half was bundled up in a sweater, I spent the day reading on the beach, catching some rays.

IMG_2667The first ice cream of the season> Vanilla soft serve with rainbow sprinkles (So simple yet still my favorite)

IMG_2665Daffodils springing up all over Newport, making the streets beautifully filled with color.

Summer is coming and I can not wait, what are you looking forward to most this summer?


Wise Words


It takes courage to ask for what you want.


IMG_2564 IMG_2562After traveling to Italy and eating fresh made pasta every so often everyday for four months, you don’t think you will ever eat pasta again. Well, as much as you have sworn off the carb invested food, a certain sun-dried tomato and pesto cream sauce recipe is found and must not be ignored. With this sauce pasta is need. This cues the boiling water and pasta, which after being cooked, tastes only slightly better then the cardboard box it came in.

But sometimes I just can’t say no, and when my Mom offered to make spaghetti and meatballs for me, I could not deny the offer of her homemade cooking! I could, however, improve my mother’s homemade tomato sauce and meatballs by making one more thing at home; the pasta.

We used a basic pasta recipe found online which included flour, eggs and a spoonful of olive oil. Although slightly time-consuming with the mixing, rolling and cutting, the finished product was 100% worth it. The fresh pasta had a great taste farrrrr from cardboard and made me miss Italy more than ever.

Also, with our homemade meal, we finally opened a bottle of red wine I brought home for my father from Italy. We had drank the wine the first night they arrived to visit me in Rome and my Dad, not a huge fan of wine, completely loved it.